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ARMINA-BIO  | Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 100% organic Essential Oil | 10ml/bottl
Product : ARMINA-BIO  | Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 100% organic Essential Oil | 10ml/bottle
Capacity : 10ml/bottle
Origin : Bulgaria
Plant part: leaves
Extraction: distillation
Effacacy : The ancient Greeks and Romans had a profound appreciation for oregano, using it for various medicinal purposes. Translated from Greek oregano literally means „joy of the mountain.“ Revered as a symbol of happiness, it was an ancient tradition to crown brides and grooms with a twig of oregano. Oregano oil is well known for its antiseptic powers. It helps against parasites and infections. For colds and sinus infections add few drops of oregano oil to a pot of steaming water and inhale the steam.
Safety: This product is non-toxic, but it may irritate the skin. It should be diluted to a low dose before use. Don not swallow. Keep out of reach of childer. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid for pregnant women.
Storage : Keep in cool place
Chemotype: linalool, limonene, citral, eugenol

ARMINA-BIO  | Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 100% organic Essential Oil | 10ml/bottl


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